Monday, April 14, 2008

Clinton Needs to Stop Soldiering On

apparently, she was jeered today. she started on her obama rant when the voters just wanted to hear about trade issues. is anyone else in awe as to how far this non-story has gone? unbelievable. hillary is bringing down the whole. obama is far from elitist and she knows it. she and mccain distorted what he was trying to say -- that working class voters don't vote on economic issues because they don't think the government can help. that's it. in a nutshell. that's all he was saying. see this 2004 video, where he says the same thing.

cnn: But the audience at a forum put on by the Alliance for American Manufacturing didn't appreciate her line of attack.

"I understand my opponent came this morning and spent a lot of his time attacking me," she said at the beginning of her remarks here.

Many in the crowd responded with audible groans, and a few shouted, "No!"

Obama spoke to the same forum earlier in the morning and ribbed Clinton for doing a shot of whiskey in front of TV cameras on Saturday in Indiana.

Clinton continued, "I know that many of you, like me, were disappointed by the recent remarks he made."

This time, a louder, sustained chorus of "No!" emanated from the audience. Clinton soldiered on.