Monday, February 18, 2008

CNN Poll: Obama 48 Clinton 50 in Texas

those are some good numbers. visit for the scoop on the texas race. it would send obama on his way if he wins texas because clinton needs texas. texas votes march 4.

here is a texas delegate calulator for inclined political junkies who can't stop thinking about the race. i am one of those, though i've never ever been before.

this is how they figure delegates in the lone star state. texas apparently has a unique situation that favors obama because past voter turnout (large black contingent of voters) determines delegate allocation.

here's how obama can win texas. burntorange says:

Key Point: Unless Senator Clinton can gain 62.51% of the vote in the four biggest South Texas Districts, she and Senator Obama will split most of the South Texas (largely Latino) vote.

here's fun with colorful maps and cool analysis by someone who switched from clinton to obama.
texas voting information apparently, it's somewhat confusing.

here's the rundown for this week: tomorrow, hawaii and wisconsin take to the polls
wednesday: sen kennedy campaings for obama in texas
thursday: obama clinton debate in austin.

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