Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Romney Hangs His Hat on Open Mic Moment

Romney is so uninspired. I'm baffled about why this matters. It surely will backfire in the general election.

Here's Mitt's speech yesterday. Mitt calls Obama out of touch, which is laughable. Contrary to popular republican opinion, Obama has actually been President since swearing in Jan. 20, 2009. They've created this alternate reality where this very strange version of Obama exists. It's hard to tell that they're talking about Obama. It's why many of us tend to think it has to do with Obama being black, because it's irrational.
The recession technically ended in June 2009 (Obama signed the stimulus act in Feb. 2009) and the economy has been growing ever since. How about that auto industry, Mitt? There's no rebutting the reality that the economy is recovering, after Obama was handed the worst recession ever, as much as the GOP will try.
Also, Obama isn't in favor of a government-centered society. He's in favor of a fair society.
Another thing, Obama has advanced this nation on the foreign policy front. A republican mindset simply isn't advanced enough to handle delicate matters in this day and age.
Lastly, Romney shouldn't be addressing people as "liberals." Liberals are Americans and if he's elected, he would be president of a nation with a lot of liberals. You would never hear Obama attacking conservatives in this way: