Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Jerry Brown? Really?

Katie Couric has a page from her notebook: Americans still are willing to elect a business person so long as they're not a politician.
A page from my notebook says: Meg Whitman will be the next governor of California and it's not because of the money she spent or the fact that she's not a politician. It's because in all of California, a democratic stronghold, the best that democrats could come up with was Jerry Brown. Huge mistake.
But it will be interesting to watch Whitman give it a whirl.
As far as Carly Fiorina is concerned, she doesn't stand a chance of taking Barbara Boxer's place for at least one reason: Sarah Palin endorsed her. Not only that. Fiorina touted the fact that Palin endorsed her. Huge mistake. There are other things about Fiorina, though. She has that snide nastiness about her, just like Palin.