Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birther Reporter Challenges Gibbs on Obama's Social Security Number

World Net Daily is like the Weekly World News, the one with Bat Boy on the cover. It's a piece of crap fringe publication. Their latest story says a clerk from Kentucky says Obama doesn't have a birth certificate. WWD is fringey-er than Human Events. I don't know how one of its reporters gets in the White House press room. But he's usually entertaining when he gets to ask a question. I can't wait to see the video (just posted here).
In the last question of the day, Kinsolving asked Gibbs "why the president is using a Social Security Number reserved for Connecticut applicants" – alluding to a popular conspiracy theory among some who question the president's citizenship.

Gibbs began to reply, saying he was "amazed" by the question, before interrupting himself to ask directly: "Do you think the president was born here, Lester? Do you think the president was born in the United States?"

"I don't know," the conservative correspondent answered, adding he wants to see Obama's birth certificate.

More at Politico
In other birther news, a few soldier birthers are refusing to serve saying Obama isn't the president. Birther Terrence Lakin is set for court martial.