Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Republicans and Obama Critics Belch, Gossip and Drink Beer on the Sidelines as Nation's Crises Escalate

It's disturbing to me that Eric Cantor could make a speech like this when Obama is dealing with a stack of issues and catastrophes, none of which his administration caused.

In fact, most of what we're dealing with has to do with poor leadership in the run-up to Obama's administration. And yet people like Eric Cantor feel free to cast stones. There is little recognition from republicans that we have quite a few fires that need to be put out as soon as possible and that a little cooperation could go a long way. But nope. Republicans don't have any solutions. Just roadblocks. Republicans are one-minded and all they're trying to do is to get back power.

In Obama's speech to the business council this morning, he noted that politicians are blaming business and business is blaming politicians but both need to work together for a solution.

Despite the issues at hand, people are compelled to get their news from the National Enquirer or gossip sites as opposed to becoming an informed electorate.

Then we have the critics on the left grumbling about offshore oil drilling. Move On has a little campaign going on and quite the dramatic ad calling for a ban on offshore drilling. We all want something from our government that we think so little of.

But how many people are willing to give up their commutes or lessen their commutes in order to consume less oil and therefore minimize offshore drilling? People whine a whole lot but no one wants to sacrifice anything. We are a nation that wants everything, yet doesn't want to give up anything.

I haven't seen any kind of movements rallying people to consume less oil. How about the movement to rally Americans to consume less period. That would be anti-American.

The smug Cantor answering a question as to whether Obama is a "domestic enemy."