Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stupak Says Close to a Deal on Abortion Language

Bill Clinton made calls last night to hash out abortion language. Bill always comes through in a pinch.
Stupak said he engaged in talks late into Saturday night.

The possible deal would focus on an executive order that would specify there would be no public funding for abortions in the healthcare bill.

"We're close but we're not there yet," Stupak said. The Hill
More flippers: Melissa Bean now a yes, Chris Carney now a yes. Marcy Kaptur, also a holdout on abortion, now a yes. That means a deal must've been struck with Stupak. If a deal has been reached on abortion language, that means republican Joseph Cao will be voting yes, since he said the only thing holding him back was the language. BUT, does Cao have the guts to vote against his whole party?
Meet the Press roundtable discuss the vote today:

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