I didn't like Bush and the republican leadership of this country, but I didn't criticize very much. I was waiting my turn. I had big hopes that Obama could take the country in a new direction.
But the republicans have become a stone wall, preventing any kind of serious problem solving in this nation. They had their way when Bush was in office--they spent without care, invaded Iraq without care-- and now when Obama is in office, they punish all of America for what Bush did (and somehow get away with blaming Obama). They get to have it their way regardless of who's in office or who's the majority in Congress:
By the time Mr. Bush left office in early 2009, the government had run big deficits for seven straight years, and the economy was on the brink of another Great Depression. On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Mr. Obama was inaugurated — the Congressional Budget Office issued new budget estimates showing a fiscal year 2009 deficit of well over $1 trillion.All Obama is trying to do is fix things under some dire circumstances--the economy nearly fell off the cliff. People don't seem to understand the severity of what might have been, that the U.S. started the global recession. But they don't seem to want to understand.
About half of today’s huge deficits can be chalked up to Bush-era profligacy: mainly cutting taxes deeply while borrowing to wage two wars and to enact the Medicare prescription drug benefit — all of which Republicans supported, virtually in lockstep.
The other half of recent deficits is due to the recession and the financial crisis. NYT
People are in such an uproar and I still believe much of the criticism is irrational and stems from white people scared of immigrants, scared of a black president, scared of a changing nation. They've finally found cover under the tea party umbrella.
They can't even give Obama four years to try and make things right. Republicans haven't worked with Obama on anything. All they've done is peddle fear and they're soooooo good at it.
Obama doesn't walk on water and he can't make republicans and democrats work together. I'm not sure that anything can be accomplished through politics anymore. It's looking like we're going to live in a dog eat dog kind of society, where the loudest, the dumbest and the irrational win out.
Obama doesn't walk on water and he can't make republicans and democrats work together. I'm not sure that anything can be accomplished through politics anymore. It's looking like we're going to live in a dog eat dog kind of society, where the loudest, the dumbest and the irrational win out.