Friday, August 07, 2009

Levin: Obama Accountable if Violence Occurs at Town Halls

Now Hannity and his ilk are likening Obama to the mob.
Mark Levin says Obama is giving terrorists more rights than Americans. That's just ludicrous.
Enough already. These people are spreading nothing but hate. They're sickening. The lies they're spreading about health care are unbelievable. It's hard to believe that rational people are falling for this crap. And what do these people have with ACORN? Geez. They're obsessed.
I think Obama should take health care off the table. And while he's at it, he should cancel Medicare/Medicaid and maybe "patriotic Americans" will learn something. Dismantle Health and Human Services. Then we'll all be getting into the same boat. And we'll be saving a lot of money!
The thing is, we might be able to get a good bill if there was actually a legitimate debate but these ignorant thug types won't let a debate happen. What's probably going to happen is we'll get a skeleton bill, a crummy bill. I don't think they should pass anything until it's a decent bill. Obama and the democrats should ride out the mobs. Let them yell until they're blue in the face, but keep working on it if it takes all of next year.