Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gibbs: Obama Consistent on Public Option

Gibbs' bottom line: the public option is the preferred option. Obama is NOT abandoning the public option.
It's important to watch what Howard Dean had to say on this.
Gibbs has said all along that Obama doesn't want to draw lines in the sand--saying public option or nothing-- because he doesn't want to stifle the debate. Some have said that hasn't been wise. I tend to think that with the violent and disruptive town halls out of the way, it's all uphill from here.
Now the media is insisting Obama isn't being consistent on the public option but they were the ones who jumped to conclusions. As I've noted when the media reported on Sunday this notion that Obama is abandoning the public option, Obama has been highly consistent on the public option. Here is Joe Biden reiterating Obama's stance in June. The media is just looking to make hay--they need to break news to stay competitive. Media outlets follow one another. In this instance, an AP reporter wrote up a story that Obama was abandoning the public option and the rest of the media followed.