Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Claire McCaskill Hammered by Wingnuts at Town Hall

Sen. Claire McCaskill is being hammered, booed and otherwise disrespected by some of folks at her town hall. Watch it here. There are a lot of rude shout outs and just plain uninformed people being rotten. Earlier today, people got out of control at Arlen Specter's town hall.
McCaskill tried to use reason. On the "death panels" she said: do you really think politicians are going to abuse senior citizens (they are the most reliable voting force)?
On government spending question, McCaskill asks: where were you on Medicare Part D? Frontline had a great program on how republicans passed Medicare Part D and boosted the national debt. Watch it here.

McCaskill reminds everyone that earlier they had all said a prayer. Some women were tossed out of the event for signs? I don't know what's up with the sign thing.
McCaskill could rival Obama for the cool cucumber award. She concludes the town hall saying by and large "this was a good meeting." Okay Sen. McCaskill. Talk about low standards. Whew. As the town hall went on, she did make headway in getting people to calm down.
I'll post video when it's up.

Partial video: