Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Dick Cheney Exemplifies Empathy

Dick Cheney? Empathy? Yep.
I've noticed a lot of folks are still stuck on this "empathy" word. 
Cheney's recent announcement (see that here) that he supports gay marriage is empathy in action. It's an example of the power of empathy and why diversity and understanding are crucial to justice and fairness.
If Cheney's daughter wasn't a lesbian, the chances of Cheney supporting gay marriage would be as likely as Cheney apologizing to the nation for torture. He'd be like the rest of the conservative bunch, ranting about how dreadful gay marriage is.
But as Cheney put it: "Freedom means freedom for everyone. It's something that we've lived with for a long time in our family."
Cheney is able to walk in those shoes. Cheney has empathy.