Saturday, May 09, 2009

Republicans Won't Elect A Mormon?

Michael Steele is the democrats' secret weapon.
No doubts about that anymore. He must've been sent in by the democrats to wreak havoc among the republicans. This time Steele is saying that republicans rejected Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon.
I reject Mitt because I reject politicians with pretty hair. Same reason I rejected John Edwards. Super Sized egos.
But Steele's oh so right.
Republicans have troubles with variations of people. They like their people to be narrow and toting a gun.
But it's no wonder that republicans are the party of fools these days. They go on all these rightwing talk shows and listen to all this nonsense from callers who lack. No one in the party has anything intelligent to say. The caller in the audio clip is clearly a fool. Fools talking to fools breeds foolish conversation.