Saturday, May 09, 2009

Naomi Wolf Speaks on U.S. Muslim Relations

Writer and activist Naomi Wolf, who rejects the "liberal" label, doesn't hold back: "a very evil administration" capitalized on Americans' ignorance (not malicious ignorance, just cluelessness) of Islam for its own agenda.
She said the administration whipped up hatred and racism against Muslims to advance its own "sinister" political agenda against Islam and U.S. citizens. Anti-Muslim sentiment was used as a pretext to cracking down on civil liberties in the U.S.
She's asked if she was torn between the first black president and the first woman president (She voted for Obama).
Wolf co-founded the Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership on 200 acres in the Hudson Valley in New York.
She says she wants to bring Israelis and Palestinians (teachers, doctors and others) away from the press, the vested interests and the politicians to her institute and let them discover each other.

Part 2