Monday, May 04, 2009

Gibbs Says No Newspaper Bailouts

Newspapers sunk themselves, no matter how much they blame the Internet and the recession, and aren't worthy of being bailed out because they don't employ nearly as many people as say, the auto industry.
But newspapers and the auto industry have a lot in common.
Newspapers fought the Internet, much in the same way that automakers fought clean and economical cars. Newspapers knew the Internet was the future but buried their heads.
Both industries also failed to give their customers what they wanted.
Newspapers need to die and be re-birthed in another format. We might see independent journalists (not bloggers) offering content to new online sites, which could become hubs of legitimate news that people would eventually subscribe to via readers, such as the Kindle, for nominal sums. I think we'll see reading devices that will improve on the Kindle.