Monday, February 09, 2009

Obama Says People in Elkhart Understand But Some in Washington Don't Get it Yet

Obama did some pretty good explaining in his prime time news conference this eve.
Here is his intro (Read Obama's opening remarks here.)
He said the stimulus package will be successful: if 4 million jobs are saved or created, credit is restored, housing is stabilized and jobs grow.
He also said he'll continue to work with republicans not for short term gain but for the long haul. Obama said republicans can't start from an ideological stance that doing nothing is better. He also reminded folks (republicans) that he inherited the mess we're in.
Here's Obama's answer to Chuck Todd's question on consumer spending:
Obama said that we have to act quickly in order for this stimulus to work. In addition to the stimulus, credit needs to flow freer. He didn't offer details on the banking plan, leaving that to Timothy Geithner, who will be announcing tomorrow his plan for the banking system.
Three republicans were all that were needed to move the stimulus bill forward. Is this bad news?
Here is one of the ideological republicans that Obama was talking about tonight:
Obama also answered a question about how we'll work with Iran: