Thursday, November 13, 2008

Palin Says Partisanship is Bad

Funny. This is the woman who led the chant of Zero, Zero, Zero at the republican convention. As in, Obama and the democrats are a big zero. This is the woman who led the cry of Socialist! Marxist! to serve her own self-interests. This is the woman that fiercely pitched people against Obama. This is a woman who let her audience cry Terrorist! without reprimand.
There is this thing called integrity that Palin sorely lacks. She lacks humility and self awareness. She's either a very ugly woman on the inside or a very misguided one. A journalist needs to ask her: How do you define partisanship?
Governors felt like they were perceived as Palin supporters.
CNN: Speaking at her first formal news conference before the national media since the GOP presidential ticket lost last week, the former vice presidential nominee argued that her fellow Republican governors "don't let obsessive, extreme partisanship ... get in the way of doing what's right."

"I think that this group is going to be looked to and looked at for leadership that perhaps had been lacking in Congress and in Washington, D.C.," she said. "This group is going to be uniquely qualified to provide leadership in this nation."

Palin is not the future say GOP governors.
This "excitement" she generated was from people who thought Obama was a terrorist Muslim, among other things. Why do McCain and the republicans keep referring to this excitement. That kind of excitement is not needed by anyone.