Monday, November 03, 2008

No Matter Who Wins We've Found Our Leader

Somehow I feel that I just can't ready myself for an Obama win without feeling okay if McCain wins.
Here's a great article for those of you who are eating a little too much, having stomach flips and suffering from overall election anxiety.
Chelsea Green: No matter how November 4th ends, America has found a new leader in Barack Obama. He’s reminded us of our power as citizens. The lofty rhetoric and soaring speeches—for which he was often criticized—have reinvigorated a sleepy and distracted democracy. We, citizens, have a responsibility to care for America. Democracy requires participation. It requires dreams and dreamers. Barack Obama has reminded us that change is possible, dreaming is not wasteful, and hope is never folly.

One such dreamer is author Robert Kuttner. When the pundits, politicians, and political hacks were timidly discussing whether or not Barack Obama was “presidential” enough or experienced enough or American enough to serve the country, Kuttner boldly declared that Obama would not only be a great president, he would transform this nation.

In his book, Obama’s Challenge: America’s Economic Crisis and the Power of a Transformative Presidency, Kuttner predicted the collapse of Wall Street and lays out the bold economic policies that a President Obama would have to push through in order for this country to shine through another American century.

Here’s an excerpt from the chapter titled, “How Transformative Presidents Lead.“

“I mean by leadership not only the transactional leaders who thrive on bargaining, accommodating, and manipulating within a given system, but the transforming leaders who respond to fundamental human needs and wants, hopes and expectations, and who may transcend and even seek to reconstruct the political system rather than simply to operate within it.”

—James MacGregor Burns
read the rest cause it's really good.