Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pre Debate Thoughts

McCain looks perky. He's raring to go.
I believe he'll try and stir it up tonight. Maybe we'll see some of his anger. There really isn't much he can say because he doesn't have an economic platform. He believes in extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, and drill baby drill, end of story.
McCain doesn't care enough about health care, education or energy to truly do anything about them. He's a republican and the republicans are in disarray at this point. He's a republican and republicans don't think government can be part of the solution. 
I'm predicting either another debate like the last one -- am I the only one who enjoyed that debate? -- or a knock out by Obama. 
This debate will probably have fewer viewers. It sort of feels like we've seen all we need to see. But maybe I'm too immersed.
In the meantime, enjoy this funny site.
There is live blogging here and here. 
Entertain yourself with rumors courtesy from Fox News that Colin Powell is endorsing Obama because Powell danced at the Africa Rising festival.