Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama Wins Hofstra Debate

I'm so biased but Obama seemed to be on top of all the issues. McCain seemed to answer every question: I'm republican. No new ideas.

Obama has answers because he has a plan.

Bob Schieffer asked great questions.

Obama alas answered to 50 million people, who were willing to listen, the partial birth abortion question. That has really gnawed at me, that people would think Obama would want to kill live babies. I mean really.

Here is the video of Obama explaining his tax cut plat to Joe the plumber, who must be feeling very important right about now.

McCain's best moment, if I had to name one, is when he said he wasn't president Bush. But he is.

Vote for the winner.

Why do undecided voters get so much attention? They aren't undecided. How could anyone be undecided. If there are undecided voters, they number in the hundreds.