You do realize that the cry of socialism is just more disguised racism. We've moved on from the Muslim bashing.
If McCain doesn't realize that he's playing the hate card every time he suggests Obama is a socialist, he needs to spend a little time on republican sites. Maybe his aversion to the Internet keeps him in the dark. For this alone, McCain doesn't deserve to be the president.
This problem ought to be studied: How do you turn a racist mind around? Seriously. There must be a way.
We know it's not just an education problem because many educated people are racist. Many uneducated people are racist. It seems to be a cultural thing and it seems that older people pass it down to younger people.
These people congregate and bond like any group does and they feed off of each other, which is why Palin has been so successful in bringing the hate mongers out of the closet.
They know what she's talkin' about and what her winkin' means. But how do we change the minds of people who are racist? Are their brains cemented so that they can't change? Do they even realize how ignorant they are? Do they truly think they're superior?
Politico: Campaigning in a traditionally Republican state, the Democratic nominee found lots of supporters of John McCain, at least one woman who believes the Illinois senator is a "closet Muslim" — and another who repeatedly shouted “Socialist.”We know where she heard Powell is a RINO.
The following is a compilation of pool reports from print, TV and wire reporters who accompanied Obama to the diner:
Obama arrived at the barbecue joint around 12:30 p.m., where an older and majority white clientele of several dozen were eating lunch after church services. Many patrons applauded as he walked into the diner, but Diane Fanning, 54, began yelling “Socialist, socialist, socialist — get out of here!”
Obama did not look directly at her, as she was across the diner, but it was loud enough that he most likely heard her.
The gentleman next to Fanning, Lenox Bramble, 76, flashed an angry look at her. “Be civil, be courteous,” he admonished her. Another woman, Cecilia Hayslip, 61, yelled back at Fanning (per Reuters), “At least he’s not a warmonger!”
Bramble told Reuters’ pooler that he wasn’t voting for Obama because he didn’t think he had enough experience. Bramble’s wife, Kit, 75, said after meeting Obama, “He was very nice,” but added she’d been a conservative Republican since Barry Goldwater’s era and said she wouldn’t vote for Obama.
Fanning said she’d heard that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had endorsed Obama but said that “Colin Powell is a RINO, R-I-N-O, Republican In Name Only.”
Later, Obama came to the long table where Fanning and other members of a local First Presbyterian church were gathered. He held out his hand to her and asked, “How are you, ma’am?” but she declined to shake his hand.