They say that Powell is just voting for the black guy. They call him a traitor. I kid you not. Can't these people see themselves for what they are?
Some of their sad rationalization:
He put racial solidarity first.
He told students electing a black president would be “electrifying.”
It is clear to everyone that is his motivation.
Powell a traitor? Old news. I said it repeatedly on FR and took flak for it. Powell turned his coat on the WoT. He described the Iraq war a failure, declared in front of an Arab audience that the US is losing the war and called the run-up of the war based on lies. He is an abysmal failure and traitor of the level of Wesley Clark. Puke.
Race transcends all...
There is no way to rationally explain how Hussein could possibly be more qualified to be president over McCain.
Before this election, I treated blacks as individuals. I was wrong. They are a clan.
No surprise here!! One affirmative action guy endorsing another!! The only ones that may be surprised are the country club republicans.
It's all about race with Powell & Obama.
Powell just gave the orders - we can't question Obama's terrorist friends or his policies.
Read some more. Unfortunately, there are some sorry people who need to be brought up to speed. I don't know how you change a mind that hates. It seems they're hard wired.
The king of the hate mongers, Rush Limbaugh, also dismisses the endorsement as a black vote.
Politico: Rush Limbaugh said Colin Powell's decision to get behind Barack Obama appeared to be very much tied to Obama's status as the first African-American with a chance to become president.
"Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race," Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. "OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I'll let you know what I come up with."