Saturday, October 04, 2008

McCain Once Again Tries to Shift Focus

McCain Palin are losing. They have no plan except for lower taxes and "reform," whatever that means, and no pork, even though McCain just voted for the bailout bill with $100 billion or so in extras. Now that's what I call porky.
WaPo: With just a month to go until Election Day, McCain's team has decided that its emphasis on the senator's biography as a war hero, experienced lawmaker and straight-talking maverick is insufficient to close a growing gap with Obama. The Arizonan's campaign is also eager to move the conversation away from the economy, an issue that strongly favors Obama and has helped him to a lead in many recent polls.

"We're going to get a little tougher," a senior Republican operative said, indicating that a fresh batch of television ads is coming. "We've got to question this guy's associations. Very soon. There's no question that we have to change the subject here," said the operative, who was not authorized to discuss strategy and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
I'd argue it's not the economy that favors Obama it's Obama's solutions to the economy that Americans are favoring.