Monday, August 25, 2008

Why Joe Biden Represents Change

If I hear one more TV or news pundit say that Joe Biden doesn't represent change, I'll just have to blog. So here goes. 

See, they don't get what "change" is. They talk about it as superficial fluff. It's not. 

It doesn't matter that Biden is old or white or loaded with experience.

Change means action. Change is substance. 

Change means healthcare reform. Change means shared prosperity. Change means a government that is transparent. Change means bettering foreign relations. Change means ending the war in Iraq. 

Change stands for getting something accomplished in Washington and Biden represents perfect change. He's a man of action, a fighting man by all accounts that I've seen. That's change. It doesn't matter how white his hair is.

Coupled with Obama's leadership --huge change is coming. 

McCain represents a continuation of the Bush policies. He's Bush's biggest supporter. Said so himself. He even has a ranch like Bush and likes to ride around in a golf cart with past presidents, and as McCain would say in front of a dull green background: "That's not change we can believe in."