Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama Battles McCain and Hillary

I've come to the conclusion that this is the reason that Obama isn't further along in the polls. Obama is battling two political machines.

Hillary could long ago have put her diehard supporters to rest. It's what Obama would've done. He would've rallied his supporters, who would've been just as ticked off and angry, behind Hillary. He would've told them the cause is greater. For Hillary, it's been about ego. 

If Obama wins, it will be a major feat.
Maureen Dowd puts her snarky spin on it:
“Obama should have picked you, Hillary,” John McCain tells her. “It isn’t fair, my friend. But it just makes it easier for me to whup him.”

“Don’t worry, John, I’ve put it behind me,” Hillary replies. “I’m looking toward the future now, a future that looks very bright, once we send Twig Legs back to the back bench.”

They chortle with delight.

“He’s a bright young man, but he got ahead of himself,” McCain says. “He needs to be taught a lesson, and we’re the ones to do it. Have you seen the new Bloomberg poll? Obama’s dropped and we’re even again. The Bullet’s getting all the credit, but you and I know, Hillary, that it’s these top-secret counseling sessions we’re having. And thanks again for BlackBerrying me the Rick Warren questions while I was in the so-called cone of silence.”

“Oh, John, you know I love you and I’m happy to help,” Hillary says. “The themes you took from me are working great — painting Obama as an elitist and out-of-touch celebrity, when we’re rich celebrities, too. Turning his big rallies and pretty words into character flaws, charging him with playing the race card — that one always cracks me up. And accusing the media, especially NBC, of playing favorites. It’s easy to get the stupid press to navel-gaze; they’re so insecure.” more

McCain picked up where Hillary left off and the media is running with it for now.