Sunday, August 10, 2008

Former Hillary Supporter Says Obama Would Boost Economy

Andrew Young, former Atlanta Mayor and U.N. ambassador, backed Hillary. Now, after doing some learning about Obama and observing Obama overseas, he says this: 
And because Obama would be welcomed by global leaders, Young believes his presidency would have a dramatic beneficial impact in the United States.

“Nothing would have more impact on the economy and the price of oil than his election as president,” Young said. “There would be a boost of 1,000 points on the stock market the first week after he’s elected. This would be better than a chicken in every pot.”
People have had a good laugh about Obama's overseas trip, thanks to McCain's attempts to belittle the trip out of sheer jealousy. But to discount Obama's ability to inspire and get along with world leaders, would be ignorant. America's economy is tied to the global economy and global relations. Read the whole story