Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ed Rendell Wants to Relieve Himself at Convention

The governor of Pennsylvania is voting for Hillary and that will give him a "release," which is exactly what Obama is going for. What's wrong with these people? Pennsylvania is an important state and he's setting a poor example.

If it had been the other way around, and Hillary won the nomination, Hillary wouldn't have had to put up with any of this nonsense because Obama would've done the respectful thing. He would've told his diehard supporters to rally to Hillary because the cause is greater than the candidate. He wouldn't have allowed PUMA like creatures to have air space.

But in Hillary's case, the ego is greater than the cause. Sadly, the Clintons and their crew can't seem to move past themselves.

And people wonder why Obama isn't further ahead in the polls.
CNN: "It honors the hard work of so many people who supported Sen. Clinton," he told PolitickerPA. "Many of the Pennsylvania delegates worked their heart out for Sen. Clinton, and they're excited to cast a vote for her. From my vantage point, that will be closure for them."

"Early on, I said I would cast my ballot for Sen. Clinton," he also said. "I'm going to cast my ballot for her, and then the moment I cast my vote, I'm going to continue to enthusiastically support Sen. Obama. It's going to be a good release for all of us."