Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Obama's Second Chance on FISA?

MyBo (mybarackobama) is hosting "platform" listening meetings around the countrry July 19 to July 27 to talk about issues. Here is one event:
Hello Community! There are many within the Obama Community and former Clinton supporter communities who are upset about Senator Obama's recent commitment to approve the FISA Bill after previously stating that he would not allow citizen's rights to be violated in the bill, by giving the telecommunications companies immunity. Senator Obama's action on FISA has also left many asking "Is this really change we can believe in?", thereby causing fissures within the Obama community - the media is reporting. Due to the delay of actual voting on the FISA Bill until AFTER the 4th of July Holiday break, it looks likes Senator Obama does indeed, have a second chance to act on the FISA Bill. Below is a Special Comment regarding the issue from Keith Olberman on MSNBC. Watch, Listen, and then please WEIGH IN ON THE ISSUE - Your comments are welcomed! It is important that the community is heard - good, bad, or indifferent!! Watch it here. No matter what your opinion is on the matter, please remember that we are one people, one planet, and we need to keep our support and focus on a leader who can work in the best interest of and for the people. That is what what and who we are voting for in November...