Monday, July 21, 2008

McCain Gets an F in Writing and Leadership

The NYT asked McCain to rewrite his essay, standard policy in the world of newspapers and magazines. He could've rewritten it but instead, he took the lazy way out, and he gave it to the Drudge Report, who promptly posted it. He wrote it in response to Obama's coherent essay
But McCain's essay is a poorly written piece of propaganda that says nothing, and frankly, is childish in its language. Why can't people see this? Ugh. I cringe.

CNN:  In an e-mail to the McCain campaign, Opinion Page Editor David Shipley said he could not accept the piece as written, but would be "pleased, though, to look at another draft."

"Let me suggest an approach," he wrote Friday. "The Obama piece worked for me because it offered new information (it appeared before his speech); while Senator Obama discussed Senator McCain, he also went into detail about his own plans. It would be terrific to have an article from Senator McCain that mirrors Senator Obama's piece." Read McCain's rejected piece

In a statement released Monday, The New York Times said it is "standard procedure on our Op-Ed page, and that of other newspapers, to go back and forth with an author on his or her submission."

"We look forward to publishing Senator McCain's views in our paper just as we have in the past. We have published at least seven Op-Ed pieces by Senator McCain since 1996. The New York Times endorsed Senator McCain as the Republican candidate in the presidential primaries. We take his views very seriously," the statement said.

I can't believe he'd even try to pass that off. It looks like he really did write his own essay. 
Is it too much to ask that this time we get a president who can write, lead and speak? 
Really, I'm sick and tired of these people, with half the skills and brilliance and talent that Obama has, trying to bring him down because of their own prejudices. We don't need another George Bush. 
If I had a mountain top I would be screaming at the top of my lungs. It's OUR turn. The people who elected Bush had two tries and failed. McCain is more Bush. We need leadership!