Thursday, July 17, 2008

John McCain Makes Video About Obama

It's really long with ominous music, and shows Obama snippets totally out of context and it's really boring, kind of like McCain's campaign. 
Who the heck told McCain that the surge worked? If Obama had been George Bush, we wouldn't even be in Iraq. 

All this surge talk drives me nuts. It's not like it was a brilliant five-point strategy or anything. All it was was an increase in troops to quell the violence. 

If violence decreased, you could say the surge worked but really, did it work? Why did we need a surge to start? Incompetence. 

The decrease in violence was supposed to pave the way for diplomatic efforts and Iraqi independence. Is that happening? There are signs but, hello, we've been there for how long? Nothing that George Bush has done or McCain has suggested has worked.