Monday, July 07, 2008

Hillary Could Silence the PUMAs

She needs to address these splinter women's (and men's) groups who are demonizing Obama. 

I checked out, which lists a bunch of "blogs" and websites but after clicking on about 20 of them, there was nothing but a page or two, but they offered plenty of hate for Obama. Small but vocal. 

One highlighted Obama as a "Muslim punk" another had a monkey ad on their site. Another called him a "jackass."

I know this is not what Hillary is about. She couldn't possibly approve of these women's efforts. She must be embarrassed or maybe sad. It looks like she did attract a different crowd. 

She needs to address them personally and sincerely and tell them that it's okay to support McCain but it's not okay to attack Obama based on race or accuse him of being a terrorist. 

There's a lot of hate being spread around the Internet and Hillary could go a long way to do something about it. 

After all, if she tells them they're wrong and foolish, then what are they going to do?