Friday, July 11, 2008

Cap And Trade Explained

Obama talks a lot about cap and trade to reduce greenhouse gas and George Bush denies the existence of greenhouse gas. 
ChelseaGreen explains
One of the tools described in the previous section—carbon capping—deserves special attention, in part because it has several permutations, and in part because it’s likely to be adopted in some form.

Carbon capping comes in three varieties: cap-and-giveaway, cap-and-auction, and cap-and-dividend. All start with descending caps. The differences among them lie in who pays whom, and how leaky the caps are.

In cap-and-giveaway, permits are given free to historic polluters. This is called “grandfathering.” The more a company polluted in the past, the more permits it gets in the future—not just once, but year after year. As the descending cap raises the price of fossil fuels, everyone pays more, and the companies that get free permits keep his extra money. Their profits and stock valuations soar, while energy users bear the costs.

Here's more: Cap and Trade 101
This is how you know cap and trade is good, Humanevents, one of the anti-Obama hate sites, is opposed to cap and trade, just like Bush. They like to laugh about Al Gore and anything that resembles wisdom.