Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bush Admits Drilling Won't Lower Gas Prices

George Bush held a press conference this morning on our "It's a Wonderful Life" situation. 
Banking is sound, he said. Even though some people couldn't get all of their money out of IndyMac bank. Only up to $100,000 per account was FDIC insured. Anything over, too bad for you.

I hate criticizing the president. My mother taught me that was disrespectful so that little voice is still in my head but Americans got shafted with this president. He speaks without saying anything of substance.

Some of the questions: 

Why haven't you called on Americans to conserve?
"They're smart enough to figure out whether to drive less or not," he said. "They can balance their own checkbooks." 
Nice one. That's why we're a nation of spenders in debt. Americans on the credit card to prop up our consumer economy, alas tanking. 

On offshore oil drilling.
"Demand for oil has increased and supply has not kept up with that."
There are new technologies that won't damage the environment, he said. He admitted that drilling wouldn't lower gas prices for a long time but it would change the psychology of the market. 
Americans have to stop going for the easy fix. We need a president who has enough guts to sell us a solution.  

On another stimulus check? He said we needed to wait to see how this one does. 
He claimed success on the GI bill when he opposed it. 

On the economy.
"I'm not an economist. But I do believe we're growing," he said. Then he said "We're not growing the way we should." What the heck is someone supposed to make of that? 

Apparently, Bush chose to speak the same time as Obama. Now on to the next president.