Friday, May 09, 2008

Hillary's Hater Support

cnn is reporting that obama is going to do poorly in west virginia. no kidding.

haven't we already seen, that yes, hillary has the support of racist folks, of which there are many in west virginia. i'm not saying all of west virginia because there are certainly non racists who are voting for hillary or for obama or mccain or whoever.

what i am saying and have been saying for months now, is that hillary does well in states where there is a large contingent of haters. now, the news media isn't able to come right out and say it (instead they use code "white working class") and cnn appears to be oblivious to the trend, but ohio, pennsylvania, west virginia and kentucky, are perhaps the states with the most intolerant people. so don't be surprised that obama isn't polling well there.

these are the sorts of people who believe all those emails that come their way. they are susceptible to manipulation. i won't speculate why that is.

but hillary's hater support is the basis for her whole "i'm more electable" argument. she's wrong. obama does plenty well with white voters. obama won white working class voters in iowa, wisconsin and elsewhere.

but, as i've said before, obama doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell in west virginia or kentucky. those states will go to mccain. then after obama is elected, the haters might learn a thing or two.

here's what we should be surprised by -- that hillary isn't calling out her hater supporters for what they are. no, no. instead, she's been manipulating them this entire campaign, which is what makes her despicable and not worthy of any position on obama's team.

How Hillary Exploited “White Working Class”
The Real Reason Hillary Stays In
Hillary Compensates for Her Femaleness