Ann Romney is very, very, very precious. You people better look at the issues this time. She honestly thinks we're all idiots and Mitt is the White Knight on the White Horse. News to Ann: When we voted for Obama, we looked at the issues, and we'll do it again. She also says “You people really know how to party. It was crazy!” Her language always separates herself from others, with "you people," being one of her favorite phrases.
Ann Romney’s convention speech was directly aimed at wooing female voters, but at a lunch event Wednesday she changed her focus and pitched her husband to Hispanic voters, a voting bloc that is especially important in this battleground state, urging them to get past the “biases … from the Democratic machine.”
“I spoke to women last night and I wanted women to understand how important this election is for their children, but as I was sitting backstage listening, I thought, it’s also very important that the Latino community recognize how important this election is for them,” Romney said at the Latino Coalition luncheon Wednesday. “And they are mistaken if they think they are going to be better off with Barack Obama as their president. There really is only one way for prosperity, for small business, and that is, this is the simplest way I can say this: If Mitt Romney wins, America wins.”
Romney said her “importance in speaking out is making sure that those coalitions,” referring to women and Hispanic voters, “that would naturally be voting for another party wake up and say, You’d better really look at the issues this time.” More at ABC