Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Obama's Schedule July 31

Times are eastern. Not much on Obama's public schedule today.

10:30 AM
The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Local Event Time: 
10:30 AM EDT
Oval Office
Closed Press
Obama is related to John Punch, the first documented African slave in American history, according to Ancestry.com. Obama's also distantly related to George W. Bush and Brad Pitt:

Other Readings/videos of the day:

While at a holy site in Poland, Romney's aide tells a reporter to "kiss my ass." I'm not sure which side to take. If it was indeed a holy site, then the reporters were being obnoxious, but then again, they're not getting their questions answered. If it was a holy site, then "kiss my ass" isn't exactly respectful, honorable or classy.

Romney's "magical mystery tour:"

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