Wednesday, November 09, 2011

There is a Christmas Tree Tax

Update: the xmas tree tax has been sidelined.

Contrary to the post I posted earlier, which I have deleted given new information, here is a new post. Apparently, Christmas tree growers requested to be taxed to promote live tree sales. It's not as demonic as Fox News would suggest.
Following an extended debate that pit one region against another, the Agriculture Department on Tuesday gave the green light to a new industry-funded Christmas tree promotion program.

By taxing themselves, growers will raise $2 million a year for ads promoting the merits of real, live trees. Or, at least, trees that once were living, as opposed to the artificial kind that have seized an increasing share of the holiday market.

"As demographics and buying habits have changed, we have watched the market for real trees shrink drastically, requiring us to spend much more time and money on promotion," said Don Cameron, past president of the California Christmas Tree Association. Read more at Chicago Tribune