Sunday, February 06, 2011
O'Reilly, Everyone Knows Obama Likes Football
Poor O'Reilly. In a 14-minute interview with Obama at the White House prior to the Super Bowl, O'Reilly's frantic line of questioning and editorializing after Obama answered the questions was a missed opportunity. Heck, I would've done a better job.
He asked Obama the same old questions: What's the worst part about being president, what surprised you? Those questions have been asked over and over again. O'Reilly editorialized on Egypt. It's supposed to be an interview with POTUS. O'Reilly said most people think of Obama as a big spending liberal. Clearly, O'Reilly sees the world only through Fox News.
Obama was cool as a cucumber per usual as O'Reilly spilled all over himself.
Obama managed to squeeze in "win the future."
Lastly, O'Reilly asked if Obama knew football. Geez.
Eats and drinks at Obama's Super Bowl party.