Some states already have policies like this one, but the country is a patchwork of different rules.Read Obama's memo, which orders hospitals to extend visitation rights to same sex couples as well as anyone else who is designated as a visitor by the patient.
J.P. Duffy, vice president for communications at the Family Research Council, said Obama is pandering to a radical special interest group.
"There are many other ways to deal with this issue, whether through a health care proxy or power of attorney, through private contractual arrangements. We have no problem with those situations," Duffy said, "but the fact here is that this is undermining the definition of marriage."
........Some prominent gay and lesbian advocates said they had never thought of using Medicare and Medicaid funding as a tool to force hospitals to expand LGBT access. It's a move that Duffy of the Family Research Council calls "a big-government federal takeover of even the smallest details of the nation's health care system."
But this isn't the first time a president has used Medicare funding to expand access to hospitals.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Family Research Council Says Obama Pandering to Gays
The so-called "Christian" Family Research Council's Duffy's comments are repulsive. It makes me sick that FRC ever had a role in policy in this nation. I've never understood why some religious believers spend so much time trying to take rights away from everyone else. I could see if they were shining examples of right and wrong, but they're always reduced to hypocrites and they're usually the worst offenders of what they preach. If they'd just apply their religion to themselves and stop forcing others to believe what they believe, the world would be a better place. FRC can call themselves a Christian group but they don't behave like one.