Thursday, March 04, 2010

Obama Accused of Acting Like Karl Rove

Joe Scarborough says Obama's pulling a Karl Rove move by using reconciliation. But it seems republicans lost the reconciliation-is-bad battle, thanks this time to a media that informed itself and noted that the whole healthcare bill won't be passed with reconciliation, just fixes. The media has also pointed out how reconciliation has been used by republicans and how Clinton used it to pass welfare reform.
I think Obama's okay with reconciliation because healthcare is important for the people. I don't think Obama is pushing through a bad bill for the sake of politics. What would be the gain, politically or otherwise? If the bill does what it's supposed to do without any horrific side effects, people won't give reconciliation a second thought. It seems that that's what republicans are afraid of. If the bill passes and it works like it's supposed to and the people like it, well then, they'll have to come up with another strategy besides waterloo.

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