President Obama said Sunday that he will convene a half-day, bipartisan health care summit at the White House on Feb. 25 to be broadcast on television, so Americans can see Democrats and Republicans try to break the deadlock on health care legislation.
The president made the announcement in an interview on CBS during the Super Bowl pre-game show. The meeting would mark the first time in the long health care debate that leaders from both sides would be allowed to air their ideas publicly and see if they can find agreement.
Mr. Obama did not say what he was willing to give up in the negotiations or chart a specific legislative strategy for moving a bill through Congress.
“If we can go step by step through a series of these issues and arrive at some agreements, there’s no reason we can’t do this faster than it took last year,” Mr. Obama said in an interview on Sunday afternoon from the White House Library. NYT
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Obama Convenes Broadcast Bipartisan Healthcare Meeting Feb. 25
This is how healthcare reform should've proceeded from the start. Now we'll all get to see the republicans "ideas." Obama told Katie Couric in a pre Super Bowl interview that he'd meet with republicans next week and then convene a bipartisan session. The session will be held Feb. 25 at the Blair House.