Tuesday, December 01, 2009

McCain Begins the Onslaught of Republican Whining on Afghanistan Exit

John McCain is one of the first republicans (following Dick) to come out against a proposed transfer of power to Afghanistan in three years. But he won't be the last. Expect an onslaught of republican whining on this point. It will be endless.
Senator John McCain on Tuesday expressed support for the plan to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, but said he objected to setting a date for an exit strategy to begin as early as 2011.

“Dates for withdrawal are dictated by conditions,” Mr. McCain told reporters on Capitol Hill. “The way that you win wars is to break the enemy’s will, not to announce dates that you are leaving.”
"Break the enemy's will?" That's so warmongery. Our purpose is to keep the terrorists from ripening. If the job's not done in three years, we could stay. But we need to set a deadline so that Karzai knows he needs to step it up. The U.S. has been feathering his nest for 8 long years.