Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Fear is What Drives Tea Partiers

NPR has an interesting look at tea partiers in Dallas. Listen below.
What's really motivating tea partiers, when you get through the Constitution talk and the worries about the nation's fiscal health, is an irrational fear of Obama, who tea partiers see as unAmerican.
Tea partiers view of Obama is tainted by their "white culture" perspective of the world. They fear that under Obama, they're losing something. They feel like they are the good and righteous and that their America is being taken from them.
Racism plays a part. But it's more than racism. Tea partiers have a fear of diversity, a fear of change.
I've tried to find evidence to the contrary. But if their anger is about fiscal conservatism, then why aren't they more rational? Why do most of them appear to be ignorant? Why are most tea partiers birthers? Why don't they behave in a more mature fashion? Where were these people when George Bush was racking up the deficit? I don't recall so many white people up in arms under any other democratic president.