Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Republicans Set to Fight Healthcare Reform

Get ready people, republicans are distorting the public option for healthcare, calling it a march to socialism. In this video, republicans wonder, with a series of mostly Fox "News" clips: How is Obama going to pay for healthcare? For me, republican credibility is shot, so I could care less what they say, even if it had merit.
Democrats are in the process now of figuring out the best way to pay for healthcare.
If republicans were smart, they'd figure out a way to pay for healthcare. But that's not at the top of their agenda. At the top of their agenda is leaning back in their giant arm chair and criticizing every single move Obama makes. I don't think they've backed anything he's done. As a party, they're useless. Meanwhile, they're wasting our precious time and tax dollars playing political games, doing fruitless things like trying to get rid of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (watch).