Friday, June 05, 2009

Republicans Exploiting Jewish Community to Attack Obama

As this story in the Swamp says, the republicans tried this tactic during the campaign and lost. Remember the nasty chain emails that claimed Obama was a secret Muslim terrorist, the DVDs in the newspapers, the epithets on the waffle boxes, Sarah Palin rallies. They tried so hard.
Dare they go there again? Yes they do.
What a dastardly and sucky little party they are.
Republican congressional leaders are attempting to "drive a wedge'' between President Barack Obama and the politically influential American Jewish community, the way one well-known conservative Republican sees it.

Israel is the wedge.

The GOP attempted to do this, with no real success, during the presidential election campaign, when the Republican Jewish Coalition strove to peel some of the reliably Democratic vote from the Obama camp. Opponents ran ads in Jewish weekly newspapers in South Florida picturing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian leader who has spoken of the destruction of Israel and disputed the existence of the Holocaust, those ads warning that Obama is ready to negotiate with this enemy of Israel.

And now, as the president moves from the Middle East, where he spelled out his demands for both Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the pursuit of an elusive peace, to Germany, where today he evokes the memories of one of the great tragedies of human history with his visit to the Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald and one of the great atrocities of World War II, the firebombing of Dresden, Republicans back home are raising warning flags about Obama's demands and words for Israel.

Pat Buchanan, the conservative cable television news commentator who served as a speechwriter for President Richard Nixon, said today on MSNBC's Morning Joe that his fellow Republicans are again attempting to "drive a wedge'' between Obama and the American Jewish community. Read the rest at the Swamp