Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Obama Speaks to the AMA June 15

Update 6-15: Watch the video here. 
Obama speaks at 12:15 pm eastern. It might be live streamed at or
Update 6-11: AMA says it's not in favor of a public insurance option, so this ought to be an interesting speech. 
President Barack Obama will have a homecoming of sorts when he addresses the American Medical Association's annual meeting in Chicago on Monday.

The theme of his address is the same as his appearance at a "town hall-" styled event Thursday in Green Bay, Wis.: Healthcare reform. The president is pressing Congress for healthcare legislation this summer.

The administration, asked today if it is concerned about criticism that the president is getting the government involved in everything - and now health care, too -- told the television network reporter who asked the question: Don't worry, the White House has no interest in owning a TV company.

On Monday, the president will "start with the recognition that the health care system status quo is unsustainable and he'll outline the case for health care reform,'' White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said today. "He'll make clear why we can't afford to wait another year or another administration to bring down costs that are crushing families, businesses, and government.'' The Swamp

Read about his town hall in Wisconsin here.