Sunday, March 15, 2009

Profile on Obama's Confidante Valerie Jarrett

There have been several profiles on Valerie Jarrett. She seems to intrigue the media, probably because she's an Obama confidante. She's a behind the scenes adviser, and apparently underestimated.
WaPo: But Jarrett's array of titles and duties fail to convey the breadth of her influence, which is rooted in a long relationship built on a foundation of trust with the Obamas.

"First, you look to her judgment and instincts about people," said first lady Michelle Obama, describing Jarrett's attributes. "You want to know, 'What do you think? What's your read?' The other part for me is knowledge of the president. She knows her boss. She knows his values. She knows his intent. She provides a very trusted link to the outside community. People who deal with her can trust that, number one, she has access, and also, that she has knowledge."

Obama's Consigliere
In an administration brimming with hard-charging achievers, Jarrett's challenge will be overcoming the kind of skepticism she faced from the mayors. She has little experience in national politics, is a newcomer to the capital, and has a personality that tends toward the low-key. Obama's West Wing has been built on a foundation of old Washington hands such as Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and counsel Gregory B. Craig, who have established deep connections across government. Confidants such as David Axelrod earned Obama's trust through the grueling campaigns that brought him to office.

Jarrett's ability to navigate the big personalities and even bigger egos in the administration will go a long way toward determining her success, and perhaps the president's, in trying to change the tone of civic discourse and foster more grass-roots influence in Washington.

"Everything is pushing you toward the status quo. There are a thousand reasons why you can't change," Jarrett said, during an interview in her sunny and spacious office on the second floor of the West Wing. "And he keeps saying we are here to change things."

If the impatient and brash Emanuel, renowned for his profane asides and encyclopedic knowledge of Congress, is the president's enforcer, then the incisive and soothing Jarrett is Obama's consigliere. Read the whole thing.