Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bloomberg, Schwarzenegger, Rendell Express Support for Obama

On Meet the Press, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell defended Obama's stimulus spending.
Investing in infrastructure -- trains, roads, bridges...-- is necessary.

Ed Rendell says people are mad about AIG because they can get their arms around it. Indeed. If we only knew. I agree with David Brooks--AIG hysterics are out of control, largely because we don't know much about banking.

As Obama said on Leno, what AIG and the banks did was LEGAL. Hello. It's the entire system that needs fixed. The system ran free and greed took over. Getting bonus money back is like finding a penny. 

It seems clear that governors are wiser than congressional leaders, probably because they have more hands on experience. They don't let their political affiliation get in the way as much as congressional leaders. They see the value of the stimulus because their states need help. Yet there are some states that desperately need help -- South Carolina-- and their leader, Mark Sanford, is being political, declining stimulus money. I'd guess that's because he's in the hard right south. That area in general has always had issues (largely issues of ignorance) with Obama.

About Obama, Mayor Bloomberg said: "I think he's going to be a great president."

Boomberg said the president is taking on the tough issues. Schwarzenegger and Rendell also were upbeat about Obama and the future. It was good to hear, for once.