Human Events: The Bush-Obama Spending Frenzy, Part IV
Like I said, we've seen this kind of high stakes, big spending, big government and big bureaucracy gambling before. This isn't the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Spending Frenzy, this is the Bush-Obama Spending Frenzy, Part IV.
The first three parts of the Bush-Obama Spending Frenzy were on President Bush's watch.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Newt Puts Obama in the Same Sack as Bush
Ha ha! Nice try. Not even close. It seems Newt, the once humiliated speaker of the house, is angling for....maybe.... a run at the presidency in 2012. He sure seems to be making the rounds on TV, radio and Internet. He's pitching an alternative to the stimulus --when it fails. Newt loves America so much that he's come up with a way to save us. Interestingly, much of Newt's 12-point plan--energy investment, middle class tax cuts and infrastructure development-- is in the stimulus.