Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Obama Says Richardson Not Token Latino

Obama announces Bill Richardson as his choice for commerce secretary and said his cabinet and his staff are going to be diverse.

Here's some of what he said. I paraphrased. I'll post video when it's up.

A reporter said Bill Richardson's appointment as commerce secretary is seen by some as a consolation prize.

Obama: Commerce secretary is a pretty good job. It's a key member of the economy team. He is the best person for that job and is going to be outstanding in helping me strategize, Obama said.

With respect to more Latinos in the cabinet, I've appointed about half of my cabinet so far. When people look back at my entire cabinet and my staff, they'll say this is one of the most diverse cabinets and staffs and they have excellent qualifications.

There is no contradiction between diversity and excellence. The quote of the day.

A reporter asked Richardson about his missing beard. Obama said he missed the beard, which lent a rugged look to Richardson. "We're deeply disappointed with the loss of the beard."

Asked about the taxpayer money spent on the bank bailout, Obama said any taxpayer money is going to be properly spent starting Jan. 20. He also reiterated the need to help homeowners.
A Fox reporter is happy to be called on:

My great friend Gov. Bill Richardson: